Charlie's Soap Laundry Liquid Detergent - 32 oz. (32 Loads) - Easy Dose Squeeze Bottle

Charlie's Soap Laundry Liquid Detergent - 32 oz. (32 Loads) - Easy Dose Squeeze Bottle Reviews

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Charlie's Soap Laundry Liquid Detergent - 32 oz. (32 Loads) - Easy Dose Squeeze Bottle Feature

  • A clear, scent-free laundry liquid that cleans thoroughly, rinses completely, and leaves no residue. One (1) ounce per large load, easily measurable in our easy-dose, squeeze bottle!
  • Hypoallergenic for those with sensitive skin.
  • Non-toxic & completely biodegradable.
  • Safe and effective for all fabrics, including silk, wool, linen, cotton and high-tech micro fibers.
  • Contains no dyes, phosphates, ultraviolet brighteners or perfumes.
Charlie's Soap Laundry Liquid is a laundry detergent originally developed for use in textile quality control labs. It is formulated to work specifically with fabrics and clean all the way to the fiber. Charlie's Soap is the answer to clean.

• A clear, scent-free laundry liquid that cleans thoroughly, rinses completely, and leaves no residue. One (1) ounce per large load, easily measurable in our easy-dose, squeeze bottle!
• Hypoallergenic for those with sensitive skin.
• Non-toxic & completely biodegradable.
• Safe and effective for all fabrics, including silk, wool, linen, cotton and high-tech micro fibers.
• Contains no dyes, phosphates, ultraviolet brighteners or perfumes.
• Will not fade your colors.
• Removes entrapped odors from athletic wear.

Charlie's Soap Laundry Liquid is a truly revolutionary approach to cleaning your home laundry. Why try to cover up dirt and odors when you can clean them away? Clean clothes feel better, smell fresher, and last longer.

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Mar 23, 2011 19:30:05


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